Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference And Why It Matters Released -

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Thursday, 25 February 2021

Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference And Why It Matters Released

Munch Web, a reputable website specializing in creating software for online businesses, released a book review of 'Good Strategies, Bad Strategies: The Difference And Why It Matters, a book by Richard Rumlet. The online resource offers in depth knowledge on the pros and cons of good and bad strategy. It exposes, in a concise and comprehensive way, what  entrepreneurs should not just have in mind, but put into action to ensure the successful growth of their businesses.

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The newly released book review is meant to bring to light what a good strategy looks like, and how different a bad strategy is from a good strategy. It discusses why some businesses, despite enough finances available at their disposal, failed to succeed.

All good strategies have what the author calls a 'Kernal'. They are a diagnosis of the primary challenges faced by the organization, a guiding policy for how the organization plans to approach or overcome the challenges and set a coherent action and resource commitments designed to carry out the guide policy.

The released book review exposes why good strategies are rare. With the current lingering Covid 19 pandemic, businesses all over the world continue to shutdown because the pandemic had crushed their finances. If good strategies were so easy to come by, these businesses might have remained afloat.

Competitive advantages are interesting when one can find ways of increasing their value. The book review gives further details on what makes an interesting competitive advantage.

Most business executives failed because they lacked the insight to discern what is not a strategy. Just because someone has the power to think and make decisions for a business establishment doesn't make the decision a strategy. The book review shows in a clear manner 'what is not a strategy'.

With this latest release, Munch Web has distinguished itself not just as a reputable website that specialize in creating industry software for online businesses, but also a proven website that offers distinction for the online entrepreneur.


Munch Web released a new book review on sources of power for business executives, and on how business executives can improve their thinking.

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