What is the opposite of love? - Caesarscircuit.com


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Monday 18 June 2018

What is the opposite of love?

What is the opposite of love?
People keep asking this question, but only few have come to realise the actual answer.

Why did you break up with your ex? Why are you trying to break up with your lover? After a breakup, do you think you start hating your ex? Do you stop longing for your ex after you break up with them ?

If you were really deeply in love, answering the above questions objectively will guide you towards knowing what the opposite of love means.

The opposite of love is not hatred, the opposite of love is not revenge ,the opposite of love is not malice, the opposite of love is not wickedness, the opposite of love is not murder, the opposite of love is not fighting , for all these make you even more miserable . The opposite of love is  "leaving".


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