New Jersey high school principal used school computer to watch child porn, prosecutors say -

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Friday 10 August 2018

New Jersey high school principal used school computer to watch child porn, prosecutors say


Pleasantville High School Principal Edward Bonek was arrested at his Absecon, N.J. home and charged with several counts of distributing child pornography and endangering the welfare of a minor. (Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office)
The principal of a suburban New Jersey high school arrested on child pornography charges Wednesday used a school computer to upload and view thousands of images of children, authorities said.
Edward Bonek, 48, the head of Pleasantville High School, used peer-to-peer software and a taxpayer-funded computer to trade the vile photos of kids with others, according to prosecutors.
The school administrator was arrested in his home in Absecon, N.J. and charged with several counts of kiddie porn possession, endangering the welfare of a child, distributing porn and official misconduct, Atlantic County Prosecutor Damon Tyner said in court records.
The school is on break for the summer, but school superintendent Clarence Alston said the school was cooperating with investigators.
“School district officials are fully cooperating with law enforcement agencies as they investigate the matter.” Alston said in a note on the school’s website. “The district is following all appropriate requirements set forth by the Department of Education and the Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office, and the Board of Education remains fully committed to the well-being and safety of our students.”

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