Must love be earned? -

CAESARSCIRCUIT.COM is an online love website dedicated to the optimal delivery of love teachings and proffering solutions to love problems.CAESARSCIRCUIT majors on love and its entirety. It sometimes share stories on health and lifestyles.

Monday 9 July 2018

Must love be earned?

Love is not earned, it is given! You don't earn someone's love, it is given to you out of free will. 

She makes you buy everything on earth for her, pay all her bills so she can later accept your love proposal, who says she loves you? 

People always make the mistake of creating a relationship with someone they think might have worked so hard to earn their love, along the line, they discover that what they have for that person, was never love. 

Gifts are good, charity are good, helping someone in times of need is good, being there for someone whenever he/she needs you is good, but they shouldn't be the main reason for accepting someone as your partner. Considering all these as basis to fall in love often makes you fall in love out of pity. If the love is not there, it is not there. 

Love may be earned sometimes, but loving someone just because he/she earned it may be an open door to destruction/heartbreak. Sometimes, you start loving some people because they earned it, it works like that in rare cases, but always remember: don't just love them because they are good to you or because they deserve it, love them because you love them. 

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