Mexican club mocks Neymar with hilarious halftime contest (Video) -

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Monday 9 July 2018

Mexican club mocks Neymar with hilarious halftime contest (Video)

Neymar’s antics at the 2018 World Cup have officially gone viral. The latest example? Some halftime savagery from Mexican club Tijuana at a preseason friendly.
Brazil was eliminated by Belgium on Friday, but its star left a lasting impression on the tournament, and on the world. His legacy has crystallized in the form of the “Neymar Challenge,” which … well, we’ll just let you watch:
The rolling race seems to be a Tijuana invention. The Neymar Challenge, though, is not. It’s the newest internet phenomenon.
It’s infiltrated youth soccer camps and practices:

It was performed at a big watch party for Belgium’s quarterfinal against Brazil:
The Neymar Challenge is taking over Moscow streets …

… and TV shows …
… and the sets of TV shows …

It’s everywhere. It’s sweeping the globe.
It is, in all honestly, a bit harsh on Neymar. There’s a method to his madness. He had an excellent tournament. And he’s far from the only one who flops. But there’s no going back now.
Fans of Mexico’s Club Tijuana perform the “Neymar Challenge” at halftime of a preseason friendly. (Screenshot: @RClaudia89 on Twitter)
Fans of Mexico’s Club Tijuana perform the “Neymar Challenge” at halftime of a preseason friendly. (Screenshot: @RClaudia89 on Twitter)
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