People Want Time Magazine To Pay Young Immigrant Girl On Cover -

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Saturday, 23 June 2018

People Want Time Magazine To Pay Young Immigrant Girl On Cover

Time magazine is getting a lot of attention for its provocative new cover that
Time magazine is getting a lot of attention for its provocative new cover that shows President Donald Trump looking down at a frightened child asylum-seeker.
It’s also provoking people to ask the magazine to compensate the 2-year-old Honduran asylum-seeker as they would a professional model.
The names of the toddler and her mother have not been released. They crossed into the United States from Mexico last week and were apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and taken to a processing center.
A photo of the girl taken by Getty Images photographer John Moore has gone viral, which is why Time magazine remixed it for the cover.
Since the photo of the girl might be considered “news,” Time isn’t legally obligated to pay a modeling fee to the girl. 
However, some people think they should be morally obligated.
Moore initially expressed support to the idea by apparently retweetingLevine’s post, though the retweet no longer appears on his feed. He didn’t immediately to respond to HuffPost’s inquiry on the matter.
The idea of compensating the girl came from photographer John Ehrenfeld, who initially considered raising money for the girl via a GoFundMe campaign.
“Then I thought, wouldn’t it be great if the girl could be paid by Time. I don’t know, but I think they can afford it,” he told Raw Story. Ehrenfeld said that any money paid to the girl by Time could pay for legal fees or even be used for her education.
“My life would be — I’d be the happiest person in the world if she could go to college because of this,” Ehrenfeld said.
Time magazine did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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