EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani confirms he's dating Republican fund-raiser Jennifer LeBlanc - Caesarscircuit.com


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Thursday 14 June 2018

EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani confirms he's dating Republican fund-raiser Jennifer LeBlanc

Ny news 
Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani, one of President Trump's lawyers, takes fund-raiser and new gal pal Jennifer LeBlanc to a dinner at the White House on May 30. (Win McNamee / Getty Images)
It didn’t take long for Rudy Giuliani to start playing the field after divorce papers were filed.
The 74-year-old former mayor confirmed to the Daily News Wednesday he has been romancing political fund-raiser Jennifer LeBlanc, 56, for the past three weeks.
"We are dating, however not that advanced yet," he said.
Rumbles of infidelity surfaced after Giuliani’s contentious split with his third wife, Judith Nathan.
Hizzoner, who’s currently serving as President Trump’s personal lawyer, denied that his frolic with LeBlanc doomed his 15-year marriage with Nathan.
"Totally untrue," he said. "Hadn't seen her for 10 years and met her again three weeks ago. Only been out three times or so.”
They had dinner together in Washington Wednesday night, he said.
"My ex-wife doesn't know Jennifer. Judith doesn't know Jennifer, wasn't until two months after legal separation that we met again, so should be no issue," he added.
Nathan filed for divorce on April 2.
Talk about Giuliani’s most recent liaison gained momentum Monday when he announced he would be taking a trip to Lafayette, La., where LeBlanc lives, to attend a rally for congressional candidate Josh Guillory, who employs LeBlanc.
Giuliani’s endorsement caught some people by surprise, considering Guillory’s opponent Clay Higgins has been supportive of Trump.
The visit got the attention of USA Today Louisiana political reporter Greg Hilbrun who tweeted, “Why is Rudy Giuliani coming to Lafayette this month?” Then he asked, “Is Rudy Giuliani dating political fund-raiser Jennifer LeBlanc of Lafayette?”
Sources say that Giuliani met LeBlanc on the campaign trail in 2008, where she served as his financial chairwoman. That’s also where the Republican politico is said to have met New Hampshire medical professional Maria Ryan, with whom he reportedly had a fling. Giuliani and Ryan, who’s married, have denied that claim.
LeBlanc, who appears to be holding Giuliani’s hand in at least one photograph of the two of them in Washington last month, was also seated with the former federal prosecutor at a May 30 event at the White House where the President spoke about physical fitness.
The Daily Mail reported that Giuliani and LeBlanc also saw a play together during that trip. According to that report, LeBlanc attended the White House event “by invitation of the mayor” but denied she and the mayor were dating.
Reached by text, Giuliani originally said, “No affair with anyone” and doubled-down on his denial of the alleged Ryan fling.
LeBlanc could not be reached for comment.
Nathan’s lawyer did not return requests for comment.

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