Does being fake help in a relationship? -

CAESARSCIRCUIT.COM is an online love website dedicated to the optimal delivery of love teachings and proffering solutions to love problems.CAESARSCIRCUIT majors on love and its entirety. It sometimes share stories on health and lifestyles.

Monday 11 June 2018

Does being fake help in a relationship?

A fish that leaves it's water and decide to move on land is going on a suicide mission. So also, a person that is going into a new relationship with a fake image is building up a
cumbersome relationship.

Who are you ? What is your real self? Who are you pretending to be?

Some relationships are not working because the people involved have painted a fake image of themselves . The problem is not in painting the fake image, but in maintaining the fake image .

When you build strong  expectations in your partner, shouldn't your relationship start crumbling when you notice those expectations were false?

People who fake themselves find relationships very difficult to maintain. If you are not yourself while staying with someone you love, how can you enjoy staying with them? The stress, the misery, the lack of peace of mind... Please be real. Don't put a picture of whom you are not just because you want them to love you. If they can love you for you, I assure you, your relationship will be one of the best.

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