Bernie Sanders Calls Trump, Kim Jong Un Meeting A 'Positive Step' -

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Wednesday 13 June 2018

Bernie Sanders Calls Trump, Kim Jong Un Meeting A 'Positive Step'

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Tuesday offered a cautiously optimistic review

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Tuesday offered a cautiously optimistic review of the historic summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. 
While many Democrats criticized Trump’s complimentary rhetoric and willingness to grant concessions to Kim, a frequent human rights violator, during the summit in Singapore on Monday, Sanders emphasized the meeting itself was a “positive step in de-escalating” tensions with one of America’s longstanding foes. 
“While very light on substance, Trump and Kim Jong Un’s meeting is a positive step in de-escalating tensions and addressing the threat of North Korea’s nuclear weapons,” Sanders tweeted. The senator then stressed that Congress must play an integral role in bringing stability to the region. 
Trump and Kim signed a joint agreement containing four key points after meeting for hours behind closed doors in a hotel in Singapore. The meeting included one 45-minute session in which the two leaders met together only with their respective interpreters present. While experts called the agreement “vague,” Trump celebrated the outcome as “comprehensive.”
Even as Sanders noted the meeting represented a “positive step,” the senator did criticize Trump for the contrast between his behavior around leaders of allied nations and “despots and authoritarian leaders.” 
  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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