RFK Jr. believes there was second gunman in father's death - Caesarscircuit.com


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Sunday 27 May 2018

RFK Jr. believes there was second gunman in father's death

Senator Robert Kennedy was shot and killed in June 1968. (George Freston/Getty Images)
Bobby Kennedy Jr. believes that someone shot his dad other than the man currently in prison for it.
The 64-year-old environmentalist lawyer, 14 when his father was shot and killed in 1968, told the Washington Post that he had researched the case and decided that another man was involved beyond Sirhan Sirhan.
"I got to a place where I had to see Sirhan" Kennedy Jr. told the newspaper after meeting with the convicted killer at a California prison in December.
Sirhan admitted to shooting the Democratic presidential candidate after his win in the California primary but has said during his 50 years in prison that he did not remember doing so.
Bobby Kennedy Jr. (right, with wife Cheryl Hines) recently met with Sirhan Sirhan. (Blair Raughley/Invision/AP)
His lawyer at trial did not contest that he fired the fatal shot, though doubts have been raised about a shot that hit Kennedy from behind when Sirhan was in front of him.
Paul Schrade, an aide to the former attorney general who was walking with him and also shot, has said that he wants a reinvestigation what he sees as shooting by someone else other than the 24-year-old believed to be motivated in part by the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
"Why didn't they go after the second gunman? They knew about him right away. They didn't want to know who it was. They wanted a quickie," Schrade told the Post.
Sirhan Sirhan (right) was sentenced for the murder of Kennedy. (AP)
Schrade, now 93, showed Kennedy Jr. an autopsy report and one was the one that convinced him to examine the case.
He and others have also focused on experts saying that some bullets in the shooting, which also wounded an ABC producer, came from a gun different than Sirhan?s revolver, and that reconstructed audio heard 13 shots rather than eight that could have come from the one pistol.
Other members of the Kennedy family did not comment on the Washington Post report.
Beyond environmentalism, RFK Jr. has been active in other causes, including questioning the safety of vaccines.

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