Dozens of Palestinian protesters killed in border clashes ahead of U.S. Embassy opening in Jerusalem -

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Monday, 14 May 2018

Dozens of Palestinian protesters killed in border clashes ahead of U.S. Embassy opening in Jerusalem

Violence marked the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.
Violence marked the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, as dozens of Palestinian protesters were reported killed in border clashes.
The embassy move, announced by President Trump last year, was slated for the afternoon, though demonstrations celebrating it and Israeli Independence Day were mixed with others against it.
Gaza's Health Ministry said that at least 37 people had been shot and killed by Israeli troops along the border with Israel, the deadliest day of violence in years in an area where protests have flared up repeatedly since late March.
The Israeli Defense Force said that three Palestinians were killed while trying to plant a bomb near a security fence, and that the 35,000 protesters were "taking part in violent riots" that involved rocks, burning tires and explosives.
Thousands of Palestinian protesters also gathered in the city of Ramallah on the West Bank, which borders Jerusalem.
Palestinian protesters run for cover as tear gas is released during clashes with Israeli forces near the border between the Gaza strip and Israel. (MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images)
Trump did not mention the violence in a Monday morning tweet about the embassy opening, where he plugged that it would be covered on the conservative-leaning network Fox News.
Many Israelis, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, welcomed the move to where the majority of the Israeli government is located, and where the existing U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem will act as an Embassy until the construction of a new one.
However, observers speculated that Trump had more domestic than international reasons for bucking the trend of previous presidents who have said they supported the change, but backed off for fears of upsetting the delicate balance of Middle Eastern relations.
Palestinians and allies view East Jerusalem as the capital of a potential Palestinian state.
Staff members prepare the stage ahead of the inauguration of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem on Monday. (MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images)
The move is popular with U.S. Evangelical Christians who view Jewish control of Jerusalem as important to the construction of a Third Temple and the second coming of Christ.
Southern Baptist preacher Robert Jeffress, who has been criticized for saying that Muslims and Jews will go to hell, was slated to give a prayer at the opening ceremony.
The international community including close allies in Europe tried to stop Trump from ordering the move in December, and Britain, France and Germany skipped a party for the embassy at the Israeli Foreign Ministry on Sunday night.
Monday's celebrations and violence also come as Trump roiled the international community last week by pulling out of the Iran deal, which was opposed by Netanyahu.
That pullout came hours before Israel and Iran exchanged rocket attacks across the former's border with Syria, which sparked fears of greater war in the region.

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