Police shoot knife-wielding robbery suspect in Harlem Whole Foods - Caesarscircuit.com


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Sunday, 25 March 2018

Police shoot knife-wielding robbery suspect in Harlem Whole Foods

A man is wheeled out of Whole Foods after the incident in Harlem on March 24, 2018. (COURTESY DIEGO QUINONES @DIEGOGQ VIA TWITTER)
Police shot a suspected shoplifter who lunged at officers with a knife at a Harlem Whole Foods on Saturday night, authorities said.
The chaos began when the man ran inside a bathroom at the W. 125th St. store with a security guard in hot pursuit just before 8:30 p.m., according to witnesses.
“Something happened first, I saw when the guy went to the back and the security guard tried to grab him. He had something in his hand waving around,” said witness Noel Abreu, 25. “He wasn’t in the right state of mind. He has mental problems.”
When cops arrived, the 28-year-old man pulled out a knife and became aggressive before charging at an officer, police said.
An area in the Whole Foods is blocked off with police tape as the NYPD investigates. (KENDALL RODRIGUEZ FOR NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)
“After several commands to drop the knife, one officer discharged two rounds, striking the suspect,” NYPD Assistant Chief Kathleen O’Reilly said.
The would-be robber, who is on parole and has an extensive criminal history, was hit once in the shoulder, cops said.
Screaming customers tumbled down the escalators near the entrance of the massive health food supermarket as the shots rang out, an employee told the Daily News.
This knife was recovered by police after a confrontation with a suspected shopifter in Whole Foods Saturday night. (NYPD)
Some witnesses initially reported that a security guard had been stabbed before officers arrived.
“I didn’t know what was going on, I guided people out the emergency exit,” said the worker, who escorted half a dozen shoppers to safety.
Others were stunned that such an episode unfolded inside the pricey store, which opened last summer.
Officers secure the scene after a knife-wiedling man was shot inside the Whole Foods supermarket on W. 125th St. in Harlem.(KENDALL RODRIGUEZ FOR NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)
“I was walking into Whole Foods and they wouldn't let us in. Somebody said someone had just been shot inside,” said Karen Buttling, 53, of Harlem.
“Two employees said the shoplifter was trying to be stopped by the security guard and the security guard got stabbed. When the police came in they tried to stop him and they couldn’t and they heard two shots,” Buttling said.
Neighbors said the suspect regularly hung around Whole Foods, noshing on free samples.
The man was taken to Harlem Hospital and two officers taken to St. Luke's for observation.

- ny news 

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