Things To Know About Business In Dubai -

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Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Things To Know About Business In Dubai

People do not visit Dubai only for tourism purpose, they also visit this exquisite Middle East city for business reasons. Despite being very much a 21st-century city, Dubai has its own customs, traditions, and methods of doing business. It is therefore essential to understand and adapt to the local customs of the city. 

To help you get the most out of your business trip to Dubai, Jumia Travel shares a few tips to ensure your trip is a success from the moment you arrive.

Avoid doing business on a Friday
Dubai is a Muslim Emirate, which means Fridays are a day of prayer and rest. However, you will find it’s business as normal on a Sunday. So avoid booking meetings or trying to do business on a Friday.

Familiarise yourself with the language
If you want to make a good first impression, learn a few Arabic phrases such as the basic greeting “Salam Alaikum”, which means ‘peace be upon you’. English is the standard business language in Dubai, but it is polite to try to learn a little of your host’s language.

Be prepared to shift business meetings if you visit during Ramadan
Ramadan is a hugely important part of life in Dubai and as the fasting month, its influence can be felt right through the business community, as well as everyday life in the city. Business does not come to a complete stop during this period, but be prepared to shift business meetings to suitable timings and expect business dinners to take place after dusk which is the time Muslims break their fast.

Greeting your hosts
Dubai business etiquette is quite formal, so you should shake hands with your hosts or place your right hand over your heart when greeting women. Handshakes are standard between men, but wait until a hand is offered.

Businesses don't close on Christian holidays
Despite being able to accommodate different people and religions, don't expect businesses to close for Christian holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. This is because of the Islamic background of Dubai. But this does not prevent you from celebrating these holidays.

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