Trump admitted sending Spicer to argue crowd size was wrong: book -

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Monday 22 January 2018

Trump admitted sending Spicer to argue crowd size was wrong: book

Trump later admitted sending Spicer out was a bad move, the book claims. (ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES)
President Trump privately admitted he shouldn’t have sent former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to argue over the crowd size at his inauguration, according to a new book.
The commander-in-chief reportedly fumed over reports and photos comparing his crowd to the one eight years earlier for President Obama.
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the President, initially tried to calm the President from sending Spicer out, Fox News’ Howard Kurtz wrote in a new book, “Media Madness: Donald Trump, The Press, And The War Over The Truth.”
The new tell-all tome, which will be released next Monday, were obtained by the Washington Post.
Conway, who oversaw the final months of Trump’s campaign, tried a go-to strategy to cool the President’s hot temper.
“She invoked a line that she often employed when Trump was exercised over some slight,” Kurtz wrote. “‘You’re really big,’ she said. ‘That’s really small.’”
But Spicer marched out to berate the coverage of the inauguration in his first of many tense press briefings.
Trump seemed to agree with Bannon's claim that Ivanka Trump was the source of a leak, Kurtz writes.(CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES)
After Spicer’s confrontational statements, Kurtz wrote, Trump made a “rare admission” that he slipped up.
“You were right,” Trump is quoted in the book telling his advisers. “I shouldn't have done that.”
Spicer told the New York Times in September he regretted making the assertion.
The book comes just weeks after Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” threw Washington into a frenzy over explosive details about the administration’s first year.
Kurtz, the host of Fox News’ “Media Buzz,” similarly describes the White House as a frantic place where the President’s staff looks to adjust to his sometimes confusing tweets, according to the Washington Post.
Former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, who left in July after six months on the job, is featured responding to Trump’s sudden assertion that his home in Trump Tower was tapped by President Obama.
Bannon reportedly clashed with the first daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner. (SCOTT OLSON/GETTY IMAGES)
“Nobody in the White House quite knew what to do,” Kurtz wrote of how staff reacted to his assertion one Saturday morning in March.
White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon also accused First Daughter Ivanka Trump of leaking to the press after she joined her father’s staff last spring.
Trump took his onetime confidant’s side over his daughter’s, Kurtz wrote.
“Baby, I think Steve's right here,” Trump reportedly told the first daughter.
The White House denied to the Washington Post that Trump took Bannon’s side over his daughter’s. Bannon was previously branded a leaker after telling Wolff that actions taken by Donald Trump Jr. were possibly “treasonous.”
Bannon regularly clashed with Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, who’s also a senior White House aide, Kurtz wrote.
“My daughter loves me as a dad,” Bannon allegedly told Ivanka. “You love your dad. I get that. But you're just another staffer who doesn't know what you're doing.”

- ny news 

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