Multiple Americans among those killed in Kabul hotel attack -

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Wednesday 24 January 2018

Multiple Americans among those killed in Kabul hotel attack

A State official said Americans were among the dead, but didn't specify how many were killed. (RAHMAT GUL/AP)
WASHINGTON — A State Department official says multiple American citizens were killed and injured in the Taliban’s weekend attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan.
The official isn’t giving exact figures for either the U.S. fatalities or injuries. The official wasn’t authorized to comment by name and demanded anonymity.
The State Department says the United States is sending “deepest condolences” to the families and friends of those killed and wishing the injured a speedy recovery.
Twenty-two people were killed in the hotel attack.(STRINGER/REUTERS)
The Americans are among 22 people killed in the attack in the Afghan capital. An Afghan interior ministry official has said 14 were foreigners and eight were Afghans. More than 150 people were rescued or escaped.
The 13-hour weekend siege started Saturday when Taliban militants in suicide vests stormed the hotel. It ended Sunday.

- New York Daily News 

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