Why you shouldn't judge any Lady too soon - Caesarscircuit.com


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Friday 8 November 2019

Why you shouldn't judge any Lady too soon

Why love aren't fair for ladies

Before you judge a woman by her first impression, please take some time to look through her history and see all the mess she went through in the hands of other men before she got to you.

Some women have grown emotionally not to care about pleasing a man anymore, because they've done all the caring for men in the past and they still ended up nowhere, heart broken.

If She doesn't cook for you or clean your house, it doesn't mean she's not a domesticated wife material, she just doesn't care about doing all that to please a man anymore, because all the cooking and cleaning she did wholeheartedly for other men still resulted to no avail. She's tired of pretending to like your family because all the other times she enslaved herself to gain love and approval from a man's family ended her nowhere.

She doesn't care if you think she has attitude, she's just being herself, no faking, no acting, if your family doesn't like her the way she is then it's their problem because all the mother in-laws she loved in the past said nothing when their son dumped her.

She's not falling for sex anymore, or holding hands, or public displays of affections, she's not coming over, she's not interested in meeting your friends, she's buying you nothing with her money, she's not taking care of your bills when you are broke, she has been through a lot to let herself get fooled again, she's not falling for those same old love stories in different versions, right now she doesn't care.

I have noticed and experienced that men most times miss good women because they judge them too soon without taking time to understand why they're behaving lackadaisical at the beginning.

Before judging a woman by her first impression find out her story, she might be all that you want in a woman but she's just holding back her affections until she's sure you're not another waste of her time.
When you understand where and what she's been through, and you make a consistent effort to show her that you're not like all the other men she has been with, and you convince her to trust you and not be skeptical about you, she will pour her love on you in a way you have never seen or felt before.Just don't judge any Lady or woman too soon.

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