Denmark veil ban: First woman charged for wearing niqab -

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Saturday, 4 August 2018

Denmark veil ban: First woman charged for wearing niqab

Hundreds of people protested against the ban on Wednesday
A woman has become the first person in Denmark to be charged with wearing a face veil in public, after a ban came into effect on Wednesday.
Police say they were called and when they reviewed CCTV, informed the woman she would be charged if she refused to take her niqab off.
The new law has provoked protests and criticism from human rights groups.
It was officially introduced on Wednesday after it passed in Denmark's parliament earlier this year.
It does not mention burkas and niqabs by name, but says "anyone who wears a garment that hides the face in public will be punished with a fine".
On Wednesday night protesters gathered in the capital to demonstrate against law, with women in traditional burqas and veils standing alongside people with makeshift coverings.
Friday's incident is reported to have taken place at a shopping centre in Horsholm, 25km (15 miles) north of Copenhagen.
People of all backgrounds demonstrated in Copenhagen in solidarity with women wearing the veil
Police told local media that they were called to the shopping centre after a fight had broken out.
They said both women were charged with violating the peace and said one had also been charged with violating the full-face veil law.
She was given a 1,000 kroner fine ($155; £120) after refusing to take it off at their request.
Some Muslim women have said they will not adhere to the law - which carries a 10,000 ($1,500; £1,200) kroner penalty for repeat offenders.
Human Rights Watch has labelled the ban "discriminatory" and said it was the "latest in a harmful trend."
Last year the European Court of Human Rights upheld a similar Belgian ban, saying that communal harmony trumped an individual's right to religious expression.
Full or partial bans are also in place in France, Austria, Bulgaria and the German state of Bavaria.


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