'If it wasn't for me we'd be at war': Donald Trump claims victory as North Korea 'continues weapons development' - Caesarscircuit.com


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Thursday 5 July 2018

'If it wasn't for me we'd be at war': Donald Trump claims victory as North Korea 'continues weapons development'

<em>Problem solved – Donald Trump has suggested that without him, the US would be at war with North Korea (Picture: AP)</em>
Problem solved – Donald Trump has suggested that without him, the US would be at war with North Korea (Picture: AP)
Donald Trump has batted away questions over the effectiveness of his deal with North Korea amid reports that the regime is hiding part of its nuclear weapons programme.
NBS News reported that US officials think Kim Jong Un has actually increased its production of fuel for nuclear weapons at hidden facilities, despite the leader’s landmark summit with the US President last month.
Following that meeting, Mr Trump declared on Twitter: “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.”
But since then no evidence has been seen to suggest that denuclearisation has started.
<em>Premature – some reports seem to suggest that President Trump was premature in his declaration of suggest in persuading Kim Jong Un to get rid of his nuclear weapons (Picture: AP)</em>
On Saturday, the Washington Post reported that the US Defense Intelligence Agency has concluded that North Korean officials are attempting to deceive Washington about the size of its nuclear arsenal.
And on Sunday, Wall Street Journal reported that it had seen satellite imagery suggesting that Pyongyang is pushing ahead with its weapons programmes.

But Mr Trump dismissed suggestions that he had been premature in his declarations of success, tweeting: “In the meantime, no Rocket Launches or Nuclear Testing in 8 months. All of Asia is thrilled. Only the Opposition Party, which includes the Fake News, is complaining.”
“If not for me,” he added, “we would now be at War with North Korea!”

His comments come after press secretary Sarah Sanders on Monday said she would not “confirm or deny any of the intelligence reporting that’s out there.”
“If North Korea makes the decision to denuclearize, their ballistics programs could be dismantled in a year,” she said.
“We’re continuing to make progress,” she added. “There’s great momentum right now.”
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