Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump continue to profit in White House - Caesarscircuit.com


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Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump continue to profit in White House

Ny news 
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, and his wife Ivanka Trump, joined the Trump White House in 2017. (Carolyn Kaster / AP)
A year at the White House has been lucrative for Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.
The Washington power couple raked in more than $80 million in outside income from their business and real estate empire while serving as senior advisers to President Trump in 2017, according to financial disclosure forms released Monday.
Ivanka Trump earned more than $5 million from her own ventures, including her fashion line, which was lumped into the Ivanka M. Trump Business Trust, documents show.
She collected $2 million in severance from the Trump Organization and made another $3.8 million from Trump Old Post Office LLC., the Trump Organization subsidiary for the building that houses the International Hotel D.C. — a favorite of her father’s and the ire of ethics watchdogs who say the President violates the Constitution each time a diplomat dines or stays the night. The subsidiary is worth anywhere from $5-25 million.
Kushner's earnings have also increased with a Trump in the White House.
While the exact number of assets is not known through broadly listed disclosures, he revealed at least $181 million in assets — exponentially more than the $140 million he had in 2016, according to records released through the U.S. Office of Government Ethics.
Despite stepping down from the helm of Kushner Companies, he logged $5 million in earnings from the Quail Ridge development the family firm bought in September 2017.
After Trump took office, Kushner and Trump were criticized for taking on a White House role in light of worries the couple could benefit from the higher profile.
A rep for the couple’s ethics lawyer, Abbe Lowell, disputed those fears and said the couple’s financials have not changed much since Trump’s inauguration.
“Since joining the administration, Mr. Kushner and Ms. Trump have complied with the rules and restrictions as set out by the Office of Government Ethics,” said Lowell’s spokesman, Peter Mirijanian. “As to the current filing which OGE also reviews, their net worth remains largely the same, with changes reflecting more the way the form requires disclosure than any substantial difference in assets or liabilities.”

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