Pregnant Florida Woman Who Lost Baby After She Was Struck by Lightning Is Expecting Again -

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Tuesday 15 May 2018

Pregnant Florida Woman Who Lost Baby After She Was Struck by Lightning Is Expecting Again

Meghan Davidson was just days from her due date when she was struck by lightning outside her Florida home last year. Her heart briefly stopped beating and her baby, delivered by C-section, died two weeks later. 
She and her husband, Matt, weren't sure if she would be able to have more kids.
"We didn't know the damage the lightning had done," Matt told CBS affiliate WINK-TV. 
But now, the Fort Myers couple is expecting again, and Matt calls it "remarkable."
"I'm here and I don't have any pain," Meghan said. "I'm 20 weeks pregnant."
Their baby they lost, named Owen, is never far from their thoughts.
"Just knowing he's in heaven, for us, is a comfort," Meghan said. 
On that fateful day last June, Meghan had been experiencing contractions, she said. She went for a walk to help speed up the process. That's when she was hit by lightning, but she has no memory of it. She can only recall events from about a week before she was struck.
"It's a freak thing that I don't know you can be prepared for," her husband said.
The couple credits their faith with helping them recover after losing Owen.
"I laid down last night, so thankful that I had everyone in the house healthy and well, because that very easily couldn't have been the situation," Matt said.
His wife added, "We'd like to point out that God is good all the time. Even during tragedy, trials and pains, he has a plan."

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