Bronx creep hit with 1,800 charges for hoarding violent kiddie porn videos -

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Saturday, 26 May 2018

Bronx creep hit with 1,800 charges for hoarding violent kiddie porn videos

Adam Field, 33, was taken into federal custody after police found hundreds of child porn photos and videos on his cell phone. (Vstock LLC/Getty Images/Tetra images RF)
A Bronx man is facing more than 1,800 kiddie porn charges after he was found with violent photo videos of children engaged in sex acts, cops said.
Adam Field, 33, was taken into federal custody Friday, after a month-long police probe, authorities said.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children alerted police about a person — who turned out to be Field — posting child porn online, cops said.
Investigators soon discovered that the creep was sharing the disgusting images on social media platforms through his phone, cops said.
The victims ranged in age from toddlers to 16-year-olds. Some were tortured, stabbed or shot on camera, authorities said.
Field was hit with 1,806 child porn charges, including promoting obscene child porn and possessing it.

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