Stormy says Trump once compared her to his daughter before sex -

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Monday, 26 March 2018

Stormy says Trump once compared her to his daughter before sex

"He was like, 'wow, you are special. You remind me of my daughter,'" Daniels said. (ETHAN MILLER/GETTY IMAGES)
Porn star Stormy Daniels says Donald Trump once compared her to his daughter, calling her a "woman to be reckoned with."
Daniels made the creepy confession during an interview with Anderson Cooper on CBS' "60 Minutes" Sunday about her alleged year-long affair with the soon-to-be President.
"He was like, 'Wow, you are special. You remind me of my daughter,'" Daniels said that Trump told her before they allegedly had sex in his hotel room at a Lake Tahoe golf tournament in 2006. "'You're smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you.'"
Trump was likely referring to his oldest daughter, Ivanka, since his only other daughter, Tiffany, was 12 at the time. (CAROLYN KASTER/AP)
Trump was likely referring to his oldest daughter, Ivanka, since his only other daughter, Tiffany, was 12 at the time.
Ex-Playboy playmate Karen McDougal, who also alleges that she had an extramarital affair with Trump in 2006, says Trump once compared her to his daughter as well.
Trump met Stormy Daniels at a Lake Tahoe golf tournament in 2006.
Daniels, 39, has dominated headlines since it was first revealed in January that she signed a nondisclosure agreement about her affair with Trump in exchange for $130,000.
Daniels has filed a lawsuit to null the "hush agreement" because she claims Trump never signed it. Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen admitted last month that he made the hefty payment to Daniels but has refused to say why or whether he was ever reimbursed by Trump or his campaign.
Their affair started just a few weeks after First Lady Melania gave birth to Trump's youngest son, Barron, according to court records.

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